
[dt_sc_two_third first]

Appointment Form



    Book an Appointment

    Appointments are available from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. However, they can also be available in the evening and on Saturdays by appointment only.

    [dt_sc_phone phone=”+64 2102367074″ /]

    [dt_sc_email emailid=”” /]

    [dt_sc_online_form url=”” /]



    After Booking

    Hi fill in the details and submit the form. We will contact you via phone or email and fix a time schedule.

    These are the thing you need to carry with you when you come in for the appointment wit the doctor.

    [dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”arrow”]

    • Previous Medical History
    • Enlisted Previous Numbers
    • Discussion with Parents
    • Make sure you are feeling good
    • Have someone eith you


    Have a healthy life!


